Answering the Seeking Heart

The history of the Canadian Bible Society is anchored in the call to help all people hear God speak

More than a century ago,

English immigrants, Gaelic-speaking highlanders, Moravian missionaries, travelling salesmen, relentless volunteers and outward-looking churches fuelled the establishment of what became the Canadian Bible Society.

Today through the Canadian Bible Society (CBS), God’s voice is being made clear to people in thousands of communities across the country and in multiple languages.

We serve young and old, those in prisons and in the military, people in Indigenous communities and the most recent immigrants.

We direct people to God’s Word, from those struggling to make ends meet or find a place in society, to those in the highest reaches of power.

Our impact is intensely personal and felt around the world through projects we support and our membership in United Bible Societies.

Donor Powered Service

Everything we do or have ever done is made possible by donors – individuals, families, churches, ministry partners, foundations – people who want others to hear God speak in the language closest to their hearts.

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